Gender-based violence with firearms in Mexico

To understand what is happening in Mexico regarding the impact of firearms on the lives of women and the LGBTQ+ population, we analyzed data from various surveys and public registration instruments, along with testimonies from activists, relatives of victims, and survivors of armed violence in the country. All findings are in this report.

What will you find in this report?

The impact of firearms and the militarization of public security has disproportionately permeated the lives of women and individuals in the LGBTQ+ community, leading to an increase in gender-based violence against them in both private and public spaces.

The findings of this study allow us to conclude that there is an absence of public policies to prevent, address, and sanction gender-based violence by firearms, due to the fact that this issue is not visible in current legislation. On the contrary, a militarized context with high availability of arms has been privileged.

Through the testimonies we observed that there is a multitude of circumstances—age, housing, gender, education, economic activity they engage in, civil status, residing in marginalized urban or rural areas—that represent greater vulnerability to armed violence and condition victims’ access to justice.